Have a Voice

PASS members have a say in how their union is run and how the contracts with the FAA and DoD are enforced. They have a voice and a vote. Local union representatives are trained in labor relations to advocate on behalf of their co-workers.

Read National President Dave Spero's public statement regarding telework:

PASS Calls Out FAA for Contract Violations, July 24, 2023

Join PASS Now!

Download a fillable pdf and submit it via email to the national office (only provide the last 4 digits of your SSN!)

Why Join PASS? Membership in PASS is about more than joining a union—it is about having a voice, gaining a system of support and solidarity, and making an important investment in your future. What else do you get by joining PASS? Why should you join now? Take a look at the following and the make the decision to join PASS today! It’s important to note that when you start paying dues to PASS, those dues are NEVER used for political activity. Have questions about PASS or becoming a member? Contact PASS National Organizer James Renaldi.

PASS Resources

PASS vs. Government Shutdown — winner, Best News VIdeo, 2020 Labor Media Awards

Our Legislative Issues

PASS National Officers

PASS Regions

See PASS members in action!

My coworkers and I need union representation

I’m already in the PASS bargaining unit and want to know more



Members News


  • Schedule F a Danger to America's Civil Service

    On the eve of a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing on the federal...
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