PASS Statement on January 29 Crash at DCA

As are many in the tight-knit aviation community, PASS is shocked and saddened by the collision over National Airport in Washington, DC last night. It appears there were no survivors among the passengers and crew aboard American Eagle Flight 5342 and a U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter.

With heartfelt compassion, we mourn the lives of all the souls who perished last night and send our sympathies to their loved ones.

PASS extends its deepest condolences to our fellow unions—the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA and the Air Line Pilots Association—who lost crew members in the crash. PASS represents many Army veterans at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Defense. They are saddened to see three of their own killed during a training exercise.

Before anyone speculates on the cause of the crash, the union asks that everyone allow first responders to continue their recovery mission and federal investigators to do their critical jobs. PASS stands ready to assist the FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board with their probe into the accident and to continue to improve the world’s largest, safest and most complex air traffic control system.

PASS Congratulates New DOT Secretary

Statement of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS) on the confirmation of Sean Duffy as the Secretary of Transportation (DOT) today. PASS represents 11,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Department of Defense employees:

PASS congratulates Mr. Duffy on his overwhelming confirmation as DOT Secretary. We look forward to working with the secretary as the FAA seeks to strengthen its staffing numbers to ensure the safety of the American flying public. The FAA has prioritized hiring technicians and Congress has directed the FAA to hire more aviation safety inspectors, workforces both represented by PASS. The union will continue to advocate that the FAA meet its hiring targets in the name of public safety and hopes the incoming secretary agrees that these committed public servants are critical to the success of the National Airspace System, the largest, safest and most complex air traffic control system in the world.

FAA Not Utilizing Key Resource to Modernize—Its Workforce

Today, David Spero, national president of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS), testified in front of Congress to address aging systems maintained by employees PASS represents at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); the lack of adequate staffing among the technician workforce and the fact that the agency is not using a vital resource in service to the world’s largest and most complex air traffic control system—its own employees.

During the Senate Commerce Aviation Safety, Operations and Innovation Subcommittee hearing on U.S. Air Traffic Control Systems, Personnel and Safety, President Spero spoke to the results of a survey it conducted after being asked by the General Accounting Office (GAO) earlier this year for information about 135 FAA systems and equipment that are aging. PASS surveyed its members in the FAA Air Traffic Organization’s Technical Operations unit about those 135 systems as front line employees have their hands on that equipment and are most familiar with what is needed to keep them running. GAO Report

“The survey feedback was both expansive and concerning,” said President Spero. The challenges PASS-represented technicians face range from dealing with aging equipment to navigating through cumbersome procedures and limited availability of parts. “The complexity of the systems, compounded by staffing and training inadequacies, further exacerbates the situation,” he continued. He was quick to point out that although there are aging systems still in use, these technicians also work on sophisticated, hi-tech, cloud-based systems as well.

President Spero's testimony

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PASS Statement on Election Results

The Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO, the union that represents over 11,000 employees at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Department of Defense (DoD), released this statement regarding the election of Donald Trump as president in 2024.

“As a union representing federal employees, PASS is focused on policies that ensure our members have safe, secure federal jobs that allow them to keep the American flying public and the commerce of the nation safe and free from interruption or delays,” said National President Dave Spero.

“We stand ready to work with the incoming administration to assist with the development and furthering of policies that strengthen the aviation system, collective bargaining and a merit-based civil service system.

“We will continue to advocate for personnel decisions to be based on knowledge, skills, abilities and the superior expertise brought to the table by the federal employees we represent.” continued Spero.

“Our members have chosen to devote their lives and careers to the public good,” he said. “PASS will do our due diligence to continue working toward these goals during the president’s next term.”

Schedule F a Danger to America's Civil Service

On the eve of a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing on the federal workforce, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO, joined the Federal Workers Alliance in raising concerns about the  return of Schedule F. The hearing, titled “Ensuring a Trustworthy Government: Examining the National Security Risks of Replacing Nonpartisan Civil Servants with Political Appointees,” is on September 17.

Schedule F stems from a presidential executive order (no longer in effect) in which tens of thousands of federal employees who serve in roles believed to have some authority over policy would be reassigned as Schedule F employees. These employees would lose their workplace and union protections upon reassignment, making them functionally at-will employees and therefore far easier to fire. Further, Schedule F defies merit principles and instead would require political loyalty to a president.

Read the full letter

The Federal Workers Alliance is a coalition of labor unions representing over 550,000 federal and postal employees. PASS represents 11,000 employees at the Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Defense.

“To be clear,” the unions wrote, “Schedule F—or any similar authority that replicates its elements—serves only to undermine and corrupt the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government and must be legally prohibited from ever being implemented.”

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PASS National Officer Election Results

Today, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS) announced the results of its 2024 national officer elections. PASS represents 11,000 employees of the Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Defense.

Running unopposed, National President David J. Spero won his second term in that position. National Secretary-Treasurer Carlos Aguirre was reelected for his third term on the PASS Executive Board.

The five regional vice presidents for PASS were all reelected to their current positions on the Executive Board by the members in their respective regions (they did not run as a slate):

Region I Vice President: Robert Seagrave

Region II Vice President: Douglas Lowe

Region III Vice President: Raymond Baggett

Region IV Vice President: Benjamin Struck

Region V Vice President: Tamara Rose

The secret ballot election was conducted during August by the firm TrueBallot and the ballots were counted today at a hotel in suburban Washington, D.C. The results were certified by TrueBallot and the union’s Tally Committee.

The new term for all PASS officers will begin on October 1, 2024.

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