PASS Remembers 9/11

On a beautiful late summer morning 20 years ago, the men and women of PASS, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO, were on the job as usual, working for the American public. What transpired that day changed our nation and the aviation industry forever.

In the days, weeks and months following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the 11,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Department of Defense (DoD) employees represented by PASS went above and beyond their usual selfless dedication to their work. They helped safely clear the skies that day, as over 4,000 planes were grounded and those in the air directed to the closest airport. “This was an amazing feat, that there were no accidents,” recalled one PASS member who was working at the Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center at the time, as a computer specialist in automation.

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PASS Elects New National President and Executive Board

Washington, D.C.—Yesterday, members of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS) elected David J. Spero to a three-year term to be their next national president. Current national president Mike Perrone is retiring after serving three terms as national president and three terms as national vice president. The union represents nearly 11,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Department of Defense aviation safety professionals.

Spero is currently the PASS Region II vice president, responsible for the union’s labor relations matters for FAA Technical Operations employees in the Southeastern, Central and Southwestern United States, as well as employees in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. He was first elected to that position in 2003.

National Secretary-Treasurer Carlos Aguirre was unopposed and will serve another three-year term.

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PASS Congratulates New AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler

Mike Perrone, National President of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS) offered his congratulations to Liz Shuler and Fred Redmond on their election to president and secretary-treasurer respectively of the AFL-CIO.

“I know it has been an emotional time for the AFL-CIO over the last few weeks, but the federation is strong and Rich Trumka built a talented leadership team that is able to face any challenge,” said Perrone. “PASS is immensely proud to be part of this great organization and to see that Rich’s legacy is in such strong and capable hands."

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PASS, Union Coalition, Support Legislation to Protect Administrative Law Judges

This week, PASS joined with the Federal Workers Alliance in sending a letter to House leaders in support of the bipartisan ALJ Competitive Service Restoration Act.

In 2018, the Trump administration issued an executive order (EO) that removed federal administrative law judges (ALJs) from the competitive service, in addition to turning over to political appointees the previously nonpartisan ALJ hiring and vetting process conducted by the Office of Personnel Management.

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PASS Welcomes New Government Affairs Director

PASS is pleased to announce the appointment of Jana Denning to serve as the union’s Director of Government Affairs.

Denning brings 23 years of experience in advocacy and government affairs for the aerospace industry to the union. She served as Director of Government Affairs at Lockheed Martin and Leidos, focusing on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic modernization programs, unmanned aerial systems and regulatory issues. Prior to joining Lockheed Martin, Denning was Senior Professional Staff on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Aviation Subcommittee at the U.S. House of Representatives. There she worked on legislation to reauthorize the FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board as well as other safety and regulatory issues.

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PASS, Coalition Call for Federal Employee Pay Raise

Today, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO, joined a coalition of federal employee groups in asking congressional appropriators to include a 3.2 percent pay raise for federal workers for fiscal year 2022.

The Federal-Postal Coalition, an alliance of more than 30 organizations that collectively represent more than five million federal and postal workers, retirees and their dependents, sent letters to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, Subcommittees on Financial Services and General Government. “We respectfully request that you appropriate a 3.2 percent average pay increase for federal workers via a 2.2 percent across-the-board increase, and a 1.0 percent average increase to locality pay rates in 2022, as would be provided by the FAIR Act, H.R. 392,” wrote the coalition. The federal employee pay raise is included in both chambers’ FY2022 Financial Services and General Government appropriations bill. (Read the letters:  House    Senate)

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