Member Profile: Steve Steinhoff

Steve Steinhoff, an aviation safety inspector at the Oakland Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) and Chapter CA3 member for over 20 years, has a long history of serving PASS and the Aviation Safety (AVS) members of Region IV. He joined PASS as soon as PASS was named exclusive representative of his bargaining unit and worked with Jim Kelley, a founding member of Region IV.

Currently, Steinhoff serves as training program manager (TPM) and on-the-job training program manager (OJTPM) for his facility, positions he has held since 1997. “I assist fellow employees and front-line managers in writing course justifications to obtain special classes or critical classes on short notice,” he explained. He also serves on the Western-Pacific yearly rollup team to validate the regions yearly training, as well as meeting quarterly with nearly a dozen employees who have OJT records. “Our meetings determine a trainee’s progress and what tasks the front-line manager or trainee hopes to accomplish in the next quarter.”

Steinhoff also acts as regional business agent (RBA) for the Western Pacific region, a position that allows him to interact with other RBAs on a national level. “As a PASS RBA, I attend weekly telecons to discuss and learn what’s going on at the regional and national levels. In addition, I host a weekly Western Pacific meeting for office reps to share what I’ve learned from the RBA meetings and the events taking place in our region.”

Steinhoff is currently working with former Region IV Vice President Linda Goodrich on a special project involving a survey of Western Pacific PASS office representatives and their respective managers. The project is sponsored by upper Western Pacific management. “The survey questions are speculative in nature and ask for office ideas about furthering virtual and teleworking within offices,” Steinhoff explained. “It encourages PASS and management to fully engage in Pre-Decisional Involvement, or PDI. It’s exciting to see what new frontiers PASS and management may explore.”

As a longtime and extremely active member, Steinhoff recognizes the significant role PASS plays. “PASS has been important to so many people,” he said. “New employees should particularly be interested in their job future. And PASS is the only way to learn where our organization is going.”

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