Success in Northwest Mountain Region

PASS is pleased to announce that Flight Standards employees in the 220 and 230 branches working in the Northwest Mountain regional office will soon be able to vote to be included in the PASS Flight Standards bargaining unit. Because of the way the bargaining unit is defined in the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) certification, Flight Standards employees situated in the FAA’s regional offices are not automatically represented by PASS and, upon a showing of interest, we have individually organized each regional office. Now the Northwest Mountain has the opportunity to join their colleagues in the Central, Southern, Alaska and New England regional offices who have previously voted to be included in the Flight Standards bargaining unit.

This follows a long and drawn out dispute between PASS and the FAA over whether these employees met the legal definition of being an appropriate bargaining unit. Following the submission of positions, the FLRA’s regional director for the Denver region issued a decision in favor of PASS, setting in motion the process to conduct an election in November 2014. However, the agency appealed the decision to the full FLRA in February 2015. The appeal was not accepted based on procedural grounds and, after filing responses to show cause orders and requests for reconsideration by the agency, PASS has a final decision and can now prepare for an election.

Our potential new bargaining unit employees’ patience and resiliency has paid off and they will soon have the right to vote for PASS. We will continue to assist our potential new members in any way possible.  

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