PASS in DC Takes on Capitol Hill

This week, PASS members from across the country traveled to Washington, D.C., to deliver important messages to their members of Congress. Over 60 members visited over 80 congressional offices to voice concerns regarding FAA reform, the impacts of sequestration and the need to fully fund the FAA, and legislation affecting federal employee pensions.

“We’re federal employees for one reason: safety. Who is going to make aviation safety as much of a priority as you do? Who will keep air travelers safe every step of the way? We believe in what we do. We believe in safety of the system and the flying public,” said National President Mike Perrone in his opening remarks to attendees.

“We are here today because no one is going to champion our issues like you,” added National Vice President Rich Casey. “Members of Congress need to know about the issues that impact you and the work you do every day.”

During the event, PASS members received activist training, participated in briefing sessions conducted by the PASS National Legislative Committee, and heard from important guest speakers, including ranking member on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.).

During his speech, DeFazio encouraged PASS members to make their voices heard during their congressional visits. “On the Hill, talk about the critical role you play to keep the system safe,” he said. He expressed concerns shared by many PASS members, including the impacts of sequestration and funding of the FAA. He also shared his viewpoints on the current debate over FAA reform, emphasizing that he did not support privatization. “The alternative would be a well-thought-out government corporation where you are all still government employees.”

Greg Regan, legislative specialist from the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), also addressed the group. “There’s no doubt FAA funding is a problem,” he said. “We’re committed to fixing that problem. We want to make sure FAA employees are protected and that they get the resources they need to do the job.”

On Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday, every PASS in DC attendee met with their representative and both senators or members of their staff. Pictures shared throughout the event show that members made a significant impact on the Hill. Stay tuned for more details and feedback from the event in the next PASS TIMES. Pictures from PASS in DC can be found on PASS’s Facebook page.

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